Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This week I reached my first 5 kilos lost! YAY!!! That meant that I received a bookmark with my first gold star to mark those 5 kilos. For every 5 you lose you get another gold star. What a great feeling. It has taken me ages to get here but it is great now that I've reached this first milestone. It makes the rest of my journey look possible.

We are invited to give a pearl of wisdom when we receive our award. Mine was "Don't give up". It doesn't matter how much you might have fallen off the wagon one day or one week there is always a blank page the next day so you can start over. That's how I live sometimes. I think it's a good motto as well in our every day life. No matter how much you might have stuffed up you can always start afresh tomorrow and not look back.

Be encouraged today.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 5 kilos! That's great! I've been catching up on my blog friends since I've not read any in more than three weeks. I loved the new family photo. It was so good to see you again even if it was just in a photo!

I am now a "mac person!" I'm having so much fun with my new computer. There's still a lot to learn and figure out but I'm having fun doing so.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean to be anonymous! This is Linda from Ecuador who wrote the above post.