Saturday, January 27, 2007

I have done it!!!! I have survived two big grocery shops in my new house and am so proud of myself. The second one went a lot better than the first but nevertheless we have food in the house and I am attempting to make everything here and not buy take out (our staple food for nearly a week).

The first shop was the biggest. I had to stock up my pantry with all the basics as well as make sure we had enough to get us through the week. I had been planning this shop for months, mentally going over in my mind what I had to buy and where I had to go. I arranged for Nige to be home one afternoon so I could go without the kids which was a fab idea. The whole thing took me three hours!!!!! I stopped off at the fruit and vege store and stocked up there. I bought so much but it was lovely to have summer fruits like peaches, nectarines and apricots in my house to munch on. Then I hit the big supermarket. It is HUGE!!!! As I walked around I was talking to myself and encouraging myself at evey step. Everytime I finished an aisle I would pat myself on the back and prepare myself for the next one. A couple of times I found myself just standing and staring at all the items on the shelves. It felt like I couldn't move. I was frozen on the spot and my mind was totally muddled. Would I buy the green label or the blue one? Which is bigger? Which is better value fr money? Sometimes I would just have to pick up something and buy it without all the fiddling around with prices. I don't know if I got good value for money or not sometimes but, for my own mental sanity, I needed to keep going. Only once did I feel the tears start but I pulled myself together and moved along.

Now, for those of you who have never experienced changing supermarkets from a foreign one to your home one this may all seem quite strange but I know I'm not alone. I have spoken to many missios who have struggled to know which bread to choose. When there are very limited choices overseas, coming home to a whole aisle of breads is quite overwhelming.

This last time I went it took just over an hour and I felt a whole lot better. I don't think I talked to myself once, except perhaps when I had to go into the chiller section to buy the cheese, yoghurts and butter. Perhaps next time I will find it even easier.


Pfingston said...

The first time we had to stock up on basic pantry stuff it cost us nearly $400!

But at that point we didn't have ANYTHING!

I am SO glad that day is behind me!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We've been back 19 months and I don't even venture into every aisle at the grocery store! If you have Aldi's with its limited choices, it IS lots easier...

Anonymous said...

Well done Riche
You are doing really well
How is the painting coming on