Friday, July 21, 2006

Have you ever talked to yourself? I mean, have you ever had a conversation, out loud, in a public place? I have discovered that I seem to be doing this more and more. Yesterday was a good example.

I went grocery shopping (and yes, it did make me feel better!). As I wandered around the shop I would tell myself off for picking up items that I wasn't likely to use all of in the next couple of weeks. Like coconut. As I picked up a pack of coconut, justifying how I would use it, in my head, I suddenly found myself saying, out loud, "put it down Richelle. You don't need it!" I immediately obeyed, putting the coconut down and quickly moving to the next aisle. I have to admit I did this several times with several different items. I'm sure my friend, who was with me, thought me to be quite mad. Or maybe she didn't hear it (which I hope was the case).

I have also done this on the computer. I have been surfing, looking for houses to buy in Auckland. All of which sends me into a panic at the high cost of them and the lack of funds we have to even consider buying one. But I just firmly tell myself to " Turn it off. Stop looking and stressing. God will provide!" And I know He will. It is kind of exciting to see how He provides all that we need, just when we need it.

Now, if only my children were as obedient to my voice as I am!!!!


lord_of_shadows said...

Yeah you should really stop looking for houses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

talking to yourself - I did wonder.

Don't worry. It's only the first sign of madness, you have a way to go yet.